Monday, May 5, 2008

Move Out Time

It is the end of the school year and classes are coming to an end. This year has been super crazy with classes, meetings, work, and life. What's next? Summer time!! I am very excited to get my summer started. I am mostly going to be working and enjoying my time with family and friends. There are also possibilities of going out of town to escape the Arizona heat for a bit, which would be nice. But while I day-dream about what to do this summer, I have to bring myself back to reality and continue to pack my many things that my dorm room contains. Residential Commons (RSCOM) has been my home for the past two years however now it is time to say our final good bye's. This was the final academic year that the residential hall - RSCOM was to be open as the housing facility for the Downtown students. I am pretty excited because we will have a brand new building named Taylor Place. It is going to be awesome being the first person to occupy my soon to be room at Taylor Place. But for now, I am stuck going through my countless stacks of school information, getting paper cuts and packing everything I own that is currently in my dear dorm room into boxes. After all that... then maybe I can start thinking about summer!

-Elenia : )

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Please don't think about summer without thinking about students of diversity that may not have equal opportunity programs in the future. There is an initiative being signed by thousands that is called "Arizona Civil Rights". It sounds good but what it will actually do is contrary to the progress of women and minorities. Please contact me at

Oh, go ahead & have fun! But don"t let your passion for the cause fade at the swimming pool.
Sandra Wiley, LCSW
