Friday, November 21, 2008

TWILIGHTer at Heart!

Over the past couple of months on my rare but free time, my older sister was able to convince me to read Twilight. I am going to admit I took the book just so that she would stop shoving it in my face every time I saw her and finally decided to start reading it because she would ask me about it every day. I figured I would read the book every now and then, whenever I could sneak in some extra time. That was obviously not the way it played out. Once I began reading the book, it was hardly impossible for me to put it down. Instead of spending my weekends with friends or family or just having any interaction with other humans, I stayed cooped up in my room finishing one book and continuing on to the other. It all started with "Twilight" then "New Moon" next "Eclipse" and finally "Breaking Dawn". I have to admit I was hooked. This four book series by author Stephenie Meyer is seen as the modern day version of Romeo and Juliet, however this is Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. And in case you do not know, Phoenix, Arizona is part of the story because that is where Bella’s from! Yay for Stephenie give our city a shout-out!

With that all said and done, Twilight the movie is out in theaters TODAY the 21st! Of course being the TWILIGHTers that we are... my sister, my friend (who is hooked thanks to me) and myself bought tickets to the advanced midnight showing of Twilight last night at 12:01am. The books are always more detailed and vivid than the movies so of course it was not exactly the same. However I personally would give it two thumps up. I believe every person sighed, screamed, gasped, or a combination of all three, when Edward first appeared. Yes, this is a biased post, but what can I say... only that I can not wait to see the future movies of the Twilight Saga!! So if this sounds like your type of thing and your class work allows the time, pick up a book and read… or just go watch the movie. :-)

(Bellow are just two of the many wonderful quotes from Twilight.)

"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end".
— Bella Swan, Twilight | Preface

"I wondered to myself why no one else had seen him standing so far away, before he was suddenly, impossibly saving my life. With chagrin, I realized the probable cause — no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was. No one else watched him the way I did. How pitiful".
— Bella Swan, Twilight | Chapter 4

- Elenia : )

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Don't Vote

I hope this will reach more than 5 friends... you will understand once you watch the video! Enjoy!

-Elenia : )

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Life of a College Student

Here are ASU, everyone is just about wrapping up their first month of Fall 08. It feels great to be back on a schedule and enjoying the amenities of the downtown campus. But the reality is that sooner of later our ability to retain information is put to the test by that exactly... tests! This week alone I had two exams and a paper draft due. First, I had a paper draft for my Urban Studies class that was due Wednesday, Thursday was the first exam in BIO 100, and today was an exam in my Human Sexuality class. Very stressful but obviously part of the job description of being a college student right? So that has basically been my week. I am ready for a relaxing and joyous weekend... which includes some homework.

So I was watching Late Night with Conan O'Brien several weeks back and they showed a video focused around the presidential race and the candidates. It was from a website called I thought it was pretty funny and I am putting it up here because sometimes we just need to sit back and smile at things a bit. It is meant to give laughs and not to be taken too serious so in the words of Candi, my fellow StAR -- Enjoy! Let me know if your witty eyes spy a famous person in the video! :-)

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- Elenia : )